Opportunity Goals
You are looking for an opportunity to seize your goals and with it the means to make vast improvements in your life and the way you live.
Opportunities are all around us in one shape or another and it is our job to recognize them when they present themselves so that we don't walk blindly by them and potentially miss out on what could have a life changing potential.
Can you imagine how it must feel to realize that you went right the way through your entire life missing some amazing breaks that would have totally changed the life you had for a much better one, but now it's too late?
Maybe you're in a better place than that in your race to the finish line of life and you have the time to change things for the better if only you knew how to see opportunities as they appear and seize them with both hands.
Or perhaps you are still relatively young and in the process of starting out in adult life and you're not sure which direction you're going to head off in.
It only takes one big break to put you on the path to incredible success and that big break could be just around the corner. You have to make the decision to turn that corner at the right time and see what is right there before you.
Aiming to Be Better
What could be more satisfying than to make it your mission to make your life better, your situation more agreeable, your finances more stable and yourself a better person? All those things can happen when you make a big decision in life and then stick to it like it was the most important thing you ever wanted.
We all have that particular opportunity, no matter where we live or what our circumstances are. When a person makes the decision to change for the better, in some way turn life around now and sticks to their decision like glue, changes happen.
It's a law of life that you can't stay still when you're striving to rise up and be better.
Standing Still
There are plenty of people who will not agree with that and many who stick to some incomprehensible excuse that goes along the lines of: "as you are, so shall you remain." That might be true of a person that has no interest in even trying to improve one or more aspects of their lives.
That kind of person will always be stuck where they are and never know anything better simply because they choose not to try. Please, don't be that person!
However, the person that refuses to submit to the naysayers and the losers in life and does try their hardest and their best, will always have some measure of success. The level of that measure is of course in proportion to the amount of gumption and eagerness that person possesses and puts to good use in forcing life to deal them a better hand then the one they were given.
You can make your life whatever you want it to be as long as you can see the golden gifts that are scattered along the road that is your life before you and have the courage to take them and use them to your advantage. Isn't that just the most amazing and incredible concept?
What's more amazing and incredible is that it exists, is real and is there before you and everyone else who has the eyes to see and the courage to act!